"It is these movements that I will now attempt to bring into focus in a schematic way, bypassing as it were the repressive hypothesis and the facts of interdiction or exclusion it involves, and starting from certain historical facts that serve as guidelines for research. (13) " Michel Foucault and Robert J Hurley, The history of sexuality. Volume 1, Volume 1 (New York: Vintage, 1990).
Bringing history into a schematic drawing (literally), allows for the contextualisation of the problem in the present. Start from historical facts, and the swirl of events around them. If wondering WHERE to begin, start with a timeline.
In the first of two articles in Discover Society, I detail how any researcher (professional, hobbyist) can use histories taken as 'fact' to document or, in Foucault's words "emancipate" unknown histories.
Bringing history into a schematic drawing (literally), allows for the contextualisation of the problem in the present. Start from historical facts, and the swirl of events around them. If wondering WHERE to begin, start with a timeline.
In the first of two articles in Discover Society, I detail how any researcher (professional, hobbyist) can use histories taken as 'fact' to document or, in Foucault's words "emancipate" unknown histories.